Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sausage Potato Casserole

Tonight was Sausage and Potato Casserole night. I know what you are thinking, delicious right? Well we made it once before and I remember it fondly, so it probably was. We planned the weekly meals and thought it could be good enough to do again. Don’t know if this is a repeat, and apologize if it is. Anyway, as the end of the week rolls around, Aly remembers she is going out to stay with friends this weekend. So I’m alone. Now normally when alone, I usually just eat whatever we have laying around. Bag of peanuts, pound of carrots, baking chocolate. Whatever. For whatever reason today though, I think because we had bought the ingredients, I decided I'd make the meal anyway. So I apologize now for the pictures, Aly normally does those.

First and foremost, I have no memory of where we found the recipe below. If someone links it we would be glad to repost. I do have some feedback though. 5 Large Potatoes is bull. If someone buys that for this recipe laugh at them. Go with 3 tops. Other than that, its pretty easy. Dice, mix up, bake.

I started by lining the pan with aluminum and then coating in olive oil. I like that this recipe doesn't measure anything, which makes me think maybe I made it up? Anyway, I put some in the pan. Then you get a bowl, dice the sausage onion and 5 large potatoes and throw them in. As you can see my bowl was not big enough. I think I was supposed to skin the potatoes, but as Aly was out I skipped that step. I like the skins on and figure it can't hurt. It was way more potato that needed, and I probably threw a whole one’s worth away at the end. It still piled super high.

Note about sausage. I'd have preferred one that wasn't shrink wrapped, because that sort of meat generally skeeves me out, but our Wegmans refuses to carry anything that isn't pre cooked and pre seasoned. I think they really focus on the “Heat it in a pan and call it cooking” crowd. So this is the one they had.

I put it on bake for an hour, wrote this entry and then threw cheese on. Back in for 5 mins, and then ate. Its pretty solid and I'll have leftovers for the whole weekend.


Note from Aly: I originally found this recipe on Boy Meets Bowl. Jeff did not make it up.
-1 Pkg Smoked sausage
-1 Large onion
-5 Large potatoes
-Olive Oil
-Dried thyme
-Grated Cheddar cheese

-Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line casserole dish with aluminum foil and drizzle lightly with olive oil
-Cut sausage into rounds and put into large bowl
-Dice onion finely and add to bowl
-Cut potatoes into 1/2" cubes and add to bowl
-Drizzle sausage mix with a few Tbsp of olive oil and season to taste with paprika and thyme. Toss to evenly distribute
-Bake in oven for 45 minutes to an hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Potatoes should be brown and tender
-Top with shredded cheese and bake an additional 5 minutes until cheese is melted

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