Tuesday, July 10, 2012

FLOTUS Cookies

I was reading an article a week ago that was super pissed about a cookie recipe exchange/contest between Michelle O and Anne Romney. I thought it was a neat way to sort of "put politics aside" and just make some cookies, but apparently its demeaning for Big O's wife to make cookies because she is too important for that. Its an extremely liberal blog, so I doubt they cared if Anne wastes her time. They didn't seem outraged about that. Long story short, I failed to see the outrage, but I did get hungry. So I went home and made cookies.

Anne's recipe was for M&M cookies, which is neat but also kind of lame. Michelle went with a white/dark chocolate chip (you see what she did there?) and that sounded neat so I went to emulate that. We didn't have dark chocolate, so I went with milk.

I didn't think to go with whatever recipe Michelle posted, and instead googled one of my own and then changed a bunch based off feel (Aly hates when I do this, but she wasn't home yet). It was delicious. Aly had some left at her "Girls Night" and everyone complimented her on them.
No pictures for you because I always forget to take them, and they are blurry anyway. Aly typically takes them.


  • 3/4 Cup Sugar
  • 3/4 Cup Brown Sugar (we only had light, but Aly tells me there is also a dark kind)
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 3/4 Cups Flour (I skimped here and went closer to 2 1/4.)
  • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Cup Butter
  • 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 1 Cup of Milk Chocolate Chips (plus some to finish the bag off)
  • 1 Cup of White Chocolate Chips (ish)
  1. Preheat Oven to 350. 
  2. Mix sugar, and eggs until creamy
  3. Melt butter (says to use a stovetop but I used a microwave) and add to mix along with vanilla
  4. Mix in flour and baking soda 
  5. It will be impossible to stir. Do it anyway. 
  6. Add in chips
  7. Grease cookie sheet.
  8. Drop teaspoon fulls onto the sheet
  9. Bake for 7 Min
I had to bake ours forever (more like 15 min), but it may be because I didn't follow the teaspoon sized dollops rule instead going with tennis ball sized balls I eyeballed with my hand and a wooden spoon. The important thing is it fit on one cookie sheet. Bad thing was most of them merged together and were weird shapes.

In the end they were amazing, super soft and really worth doing again.

* Four seconds of googling found her recipe. http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/ann-romney-and-michelle-obama-face-off-in-presiden
**I do not know why some of the lines are white. Maybe Aly will fix them.

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