Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Life

So, this blog got off track and was generally left to wither and die because we got lazy and stopped making new meals, and therefore ran out of entry material.
However, several things have changed since the last entry that lead up to a perfect time to resurrect this poor old thing. Some of these things include:

1) Jeff and I have moved into our first house and it is closer to our jobs, so we have more time in the evenings and are therefore trying new meals again rather than coming home and being so exhausted that we cook eggs and go to bed immediately every night.

2) Jeff's brother has moved in with us and we feel obligated to make food that isn't so lame or repetitive as we let ourselves get away with when it's just the two of us.

3) My friend Jessica from the blog "Crash Bang Kitchen" (see new link at right of page) has been inspiring me and making me want to get back into this food... blog... thing.

The major change from here is that Jeff will probably participate less in the entries if he participates at all. I may cover some meals he makes (by hovering obnoxiously over him taking pictures and asking him how it's going) and post in his place. Therefore, the baking entries will probably become more regular, because that's most of what I do.

Happy relaunch!

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