Saturday, March 10, 2012

Expectations and Updates

You will notice the layout has been changing. I am trying to find a way to share our weekly calendar with the blog in a way that still keeps it looking nice. The calender is shared out and you can use it to see upcoming meal plans, and then get excited for future blogs about those topics. (I know you will)

One thing you will probably note quickly is that our pasta night for the past few weeks has consisted of "Steak". Thats because I have been trying to figure out a decent method to cook one for a few weeks now. I get closer every week. We decided pasta could get bumped off the list until we were able to get a steak we were satisfied with. Normally pasta night consists of "Lasagna" or "Spaghetti".

One other thing we do is a weekly grocery shopping trip. On this trip we buy what we need for that week, and in an effort to help shrink the budget, if it isn't used during the weeks planned meals, it does not get bought (generally). This means our fridge is often times missing things others considered essential, but by going every week we can keep a fresh stock of new food rotating in, while minimizing what gets thrown away.Usually just some moldy bread on occasion.

For blog topics to expect, we intend to post about any notable dishes for the planned meal days. If we go to a new grocery store we may post a review or any thought about that. We also have my buddy T over on Thursdays for "Crockpot" night, so you may get an extended entry for that night.  We also are people and have set some lofty goals with that.


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